HbbTV update on the use of Google Analytics - Sat, Dec 28, 2013
After [yesterdays talk at 30C3](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/Fahrplan/events/5398.html “HbbTV security talk at 30c3” target="_blank"), a very intersting question was asked by a person the audience. The question was, whether the stations that use [Google analytics](http://analytics.google.com “Google Analytics” target="_blank") in order to track their viewers are using it in a legal way. In order to use Analytics legally, the tracking code has to be used with [the anonymizeIp parameter](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20099888/google-analytics-and-anonymizeip “Legal usage of Google Analytics” target="_blank"). So I took some time and checked the stations red button pages in order to find out, whether the tracking code complies with the law. The result of this analysis is displayed here: (The data backing these observations was requested on 26th of December 2013.)
This result shows, that some stations - even some with public sponsoring - are using the Google analytics service in an illegal way. You may verify this by checking the relevant pages. The [list of HbbTV enabled stations](http://trifinite.org/hbbtv/trifinite_hbbtv_channel_list.html “Channel List” target="_blank") that have been collected by [project HAL](/post/hal-to_serve_and_protect/ “Project HAL” target="_blank") so far can be found [here](http://trifinite.org/hbbtv/trifinite_hbbtv_channel_list.html “Channel List” target="_blank"). I would like to invite you to join the discussion on the newly created [Google+ Community about HbbTV Security](https://plus.google.com/communities/107120801543127058008 “HbbTVSecurity Community” target="_blank"). The slides for the 30C3 talk can be [downloaded here](http://trifinite.org/hbbtv/30C3-Martin_Herfurt_HbbTV_final.pdf “30C3 slides: HbbTV security” target="_blank").