FOCUS-TV Story - Tue, May 11, 2004
In the beginning of last Week (Tuesday, 18th of May 2004) I have been in Munich for doing a story about the discovered BlueBug Bluetooth vulnerability for the TV show of the german news magazine Focus which is broadcasted every Sunday on the german TV station Pro7. In the beginning we were scanning for bluetooth-enabled phones in the shopping area of Munich. After this we went to the Seehaus Restaurant. After this we also went to the Munich Aiport, where we caught quite a lot of bussiness men’s phones. What we did was snarfing the phonebooks and sending an SMS (on behalf of Focus TV :). Then we were able to call the owners of the affected devices in order to confront them with the fact, that we know who these persons called last. This was all very exciting.
The Focus-TV Bluetooth-story is most likely going to be aired on 6th of June 2004 at 10:40 pm (MEST). But maybe Marco Principato from SIEMENS is again providing a small low-quality video of the story for this blog.